[Hightlight] EU+ Series Seminars
In light of the upcoming European Parliament election and the recent dramatic events in Ukraine, the EUAP has brought to you the "EU+ Series". See below for the details of roundtable discussion and seminar. |

400 million voters will elect 751 representatives for the new European
Parliament on 25 May 2014. Join a roundtable discussion with diplomats from EU member states and academics from both the EU and HK about the future course of Europe beyond 2014.

Seminar "Of Velvet Revolutions and Velvet Occupations: The EU and the Current State of its Eastern Partnership Programme"
17th April 2014
It will discuss the emergence and relative success/failure of the Eastern Partnership Programme. It will also address the question of the future course of European neighborhood policies in the face of a renewed ‘cold war’ threat in Europe.

Hong Kong Model European Union Conference
25-26th April 2014
The Model European Union is a two-day academic simulation of the EU conference. It aims to educate and raise HK university students’ awareness on current European issues, as well as to promote understanding of the European integration. Interest party please contact us for seat availability.

Secondary School Blog Competition: Green the City!
Submission by 26th April 2014
Are you aware of the pollution and waste problem in Hong Kong? Do you found some interesting solutions in Europe and want to apply it in HK? Write a blog entry now. Winners will receive a Page One Gift Card & a certificates.

Public Lecture "Tectonics in Adaptive Reused Heritage - Learning from Gaudi's Sagrada Familia"
27 April 2014
The lecture presents discourses on integration of the old and the new by exploring innovative design solutions for adaptive reuse of heritage buildings with the example of the Unesco Church La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona.

Global Anti-Counterfeiting Conference HK
8th May 2014
The conference focuses on raising awareness on the dangers of counterfeits and promoting consumer health and safety. It seeks to enhance Customs’ work in the Asia Pacific region by encouraging Customs and the private sector to join forces.

Summer Top-up Programme Brussels
Application close on18th April 2014 *
Want to know more about the EU by visiting the major intuitions and meeting the officials in Brussels? We will also visit eco-design firms.

Master Scholarship
Application close on 23rd May 2014 *
If you wish to complete a Master programme in EU studies/EU-related discipline at a university in the European Union, do not miss the chance!

Visiting Scholarship
Application now open
Visiting Scholarship at the postdoc level for
research/teaching sojourns of 4 months duration at EUAP
institutions (fall/winter term 2014). |