#3: Time to pick your topic, one out of four :-)


If your group is making progress, you would have finished / are finishing Part A within this week. Then it is time to think about which topic you want to research on the next. Your final GROUP COMMUNITY PROJECT (Part C) will be based on this topic too.


In this stage, you will be conducting a little research to know about one of the main issues in our society on sustainable development. You will choose one topic out of four. How?

1. First, check out the last 4 NEW slides of the four topics on the platform.

2. Discuss among your local members your 1st and 2nd choice.

3. Indicate the two choices on your Portfolio (mark it “HK” or “EU”!)


4. Then, discuss with your overseas teammate to find the common topics

5. After you reach an agreement, indicate the choices on your Portfolio. Then tag me on your remark! (dorispylee@hkbu.edu.hk) so that I know!


6. I will confirm with your topic soon after you tagged me. Then you can start part B!

7. When working on the tasks, create your own slides using the file I already shared with you “Slides Template (for everyone to use!)03

Make sure you all agree with the topic before you fill the choices in!


Okay, so how do we actually “discuss” things with our groupmates? In fact, it is up to you. But we suggest the following options:

  • First, use E-mail for the first step. Every one of you has it. Be the one who write an e-mail to all group members, ask them how to they prefer to communicate next.
  • Facebook is also easy. I don’t really have to explain more. The messenger function is convenient.
  • Skype:Don’t be shy, seeing each other is great, but it might not be easy to come up with a time good for HK and Europe. There is 7 hour difference! However, you could try fixing a time at the weekend, when you don’t have classes.
  • Slack: If your group is ambitious enough to try new things, we definitely recommend SLACK, which is a great working platform where you can send files can have group chats!

Use whatever is the best for your own group. Remember, being active and patient is key!