Coping with Climate Change (3) – Architecture
Posted in: Climate Change, Environmental Protection, Teaching/LearningBelow we will show you a number of case studies of how architecture can help people cope with climate change.
Coping with Climate Change (3) – ArchitecturePosted in: Climate Change, Environmental Protection, Teaching/Learning Tags: Architecture, 氣候變化 @enBelow we will show you a number of case studies of how architecture can help people cope with climate change. |
Coping with Climate Change (1) – EU PolicyPosted in: Climate Change, Environmental Protection, Teaching/Learning Tags: Transportation, 歐洲2020 @en, 歐洲氣候應對平台 @en, 歐盟 @en, 歐盟排放交易體系 @en, 氣候會議 @en, 氣候變化 @en, 環保 @en, 聯合國 @enCoping with climate change effectively needs the involvement of all countries around the world. Below we will give an outline of the EU policy concerning climate change. |