IP HK-EU Series 2013: Cyber IP Law- Google AdWords and Trademark Rights: the European and Hong Kong Approach

IP HK-EU Series 2013: Cyber IP Law- Google AdWords and Trademark Rights: the European and Hong Kong Approach

Date(s): 07/11/2013
Time: 4:30 pm - 6:15 pm

RRS905, Sir Run Run Shaw Building, Ho Sin Hang Campus

Language: English

Admission: Registration needed

IP HK-EU Series 2013: #3 Public Seminar

Cyber IP Law- Google AdWords and Trademark Rights: the European and Hong Kong approaches


-Ms. Alice Lee (Associate Professor & Associate Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong )
– Dr. Emmanuel Gillet (Visiting Scholar (IP & Cyber Law), European Union Academic Programme Hong Kong)


Ms. Alice Lee, Prof. Hess and Dr. Gillet




The seminar examined the issue of Google Adwords and trademark rights, one of the most important debates in the domain of Intellectual Property in recent years. The question is whether Google Adwords service or the advertisers has infringed the trademark rights. In Hong Kong, there are not yet cases relating to this subject but in the EU there are already quite a number of cases. Dr. Gillet explained the legal framework between the CJEU and the various courts of the EU member states. Some cases showed that the CJEU will make the binding decisions for the national courts to follow or other cases they left the decision for national courts to decide. Ms. Alice Lee commented that Hong Kong, due to its legal system and historical tie with the UK, often refers to UK rulings. However, in the cyber IP law area, Hong Kong also makes reference to the EU’s rulings.

The recent EU cases show that Google is not liable for trademark rights infringement but the debate is still ongoing. There is also a need for Hong Kong to have new legislation to cope with the new cyber IP law cases.

50 participants, mainly legal practitioners, attended the seminar and learnt a lot about the development of this legal issue in the EU and in HK through cases studies and interactive discussion.

See photos of the seminar>

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