Date(s): 27/03/2015 - 28/03/2015
Time: 2:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Lecture Theatre 2, Graduate Law Centre, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Language: English
Admission: Free, registration required below
Centre for Financial Regulation and Economic Development of the Chinese University of Hong Kong
Keynote Speaker:
– The Honourable Anna WU Hung-yuk, GBS, JP (Chairperson, Hong Kong Competition Commission) on “The Competition Commission and Cartels”
Speakers include:
– Prof. Thomas Cheng (The University of Hong Kong)
– Mr. Sebastien Evrard (Jones Day)
– Mr. Knut Fournier (City University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Competition Association)
– Prof. Mark Furse (University of Glasgow)
– Ms. Clara Ingen-Housz (Linklaters)
– Prof. Alison Jones (King’s College London)
– Prof. Kelvin Kwok (The University of Hong Kong)
– Prof. Jerónimo Maíllo González-Orús (CEU San Pablo University and University Institute of European Studies, Madrid)
– Prof. Sandra Marco Colino (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
– Prof. Burton Ong (National University of Singapore)
– Mr. Marc Waha (Norton Rose)
Programme (updated on 26 March 2015)
Presentation and Biography
Cartels have been described as the ‘supreme evil of antitrust’. As a consequence, tackling such business behaviour is a priority in all competition law jurisdictions around the world. Hong Kong passed its first ever cross-sector Competition Ordinance in 2012, and it is expected that the new legislation will soon come into force. The focus of this 2-day conference is to determine how best to apply the Ordinance to cartels, which are believed to be common practice in Hong Kong. In doing so, the experience of EU competition law is paramount. The EU regime has been a principal source of inspiration for the Hong Kong Competition Ordinance, and much progress has been made in the fight against cartels through decades of enforcement. Leading EU and Asian experts will share their insights into this keystone of competition enforcement.
If you are interested in attending please register below. The registration deadline is 26 March 2015 (Thu) 5pm.
(click to enlarge)
*Jointly organized by the European Union Academic Programme and the Centre for Financial Regulation and Economic Development of the Chinese University of Hong Kong*
Bookings are closed for this event.