Seminar:States and (Minority) Nations in Europe – Current Developments

Seminar:States and (Minority) Nations in Europe - Current Developments

Date(s): 09/04/2013
Time: All Day

Language: English


States and (Minority) Nations in Europe – Current Developments

 On 9 April, Prof. Roger Scully from University of Cardiff gave a seminar on “States and (Minority) Nations in Europe – Current Developments” to students in HKU. Later that day, he came to HKBU and gave another seminar on the same topic to 30 students from Dr. Krzysztof Sliwinski’s class. Dr. Roland Vogt of HKU also joined us at the seminar.


In the seminar, Prof. Scully delivered two case studies of regionalism in the EU, Catalonia and Scotland. He explained the historical background and the current development of regionalism of the two regions and analyzed the probable future outcome. He then related the two cases to the EU, for example examining whether the regions will automatically become EU member states in case of independence. Before the end of the seminar, students interacted with Prof. Scully in the Q&A session concerning the two cases based on what they have learnt in the class “Current Issues of European Integration”.


Seminar A: Hong Kong University, Knowles Building, 7/F, Lecture Hall 726, 12:30 – 1:30pm
Seminar B: Hong Kong Baptist University, AAB 1123, 11/Floor, Academic & Administration Building, 2:30 – 4:00pm


Prof. Roger Scully, University of Cardiff


3411 6598