Date(s): 15/10/2015
Time: 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
- Category E: Exhibition or public event showcasing specific urban solution prototypes
- Exhibition
- Hamburg
City Gallery, Central
Language: English
Admission: Free
Event Partner(s): Co-organizer: CIty Gallery; Partners: HKSAR Planning Department, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung , the Behörde für Stadtentwicklung und Wohnen Hamburg (City Development & Housing Affairs Dept.) and German Consulate General to Hong Kong and Macau
Speaker(s):-Welcome remarks by Prof. H. Werner Hess, Deputy Director, European Union Academic Programme Hong Kong
Mr. Wong Kam Sing, Secretary for the Environment, HKSAR Government
Mr. Vincent Piket, Head of Office of the European Union to Hong Kong and Macao
Mr. K.K. Ling, Director of the Planning Department, HKSAR Government
Mr. Karsten Tietz, Deputy Consul General, Consulate General of Germany to Hong Kong
5:00pm | Registration 嘉賓到場及登記 |
5:30 pm | Welcome remarks by Prof. H. Werner Hess, Deputy Director, European Union Academic Programme Hong Kong 歐洲聯盟學術計劃副總監 Prof. H. Werner Hess 致歡迎辭 Click to download Speeches by- Mr. Wong Kam Sing, Secretary for the Environment, Environment Bureau, HKSAR Government |
6:05pm | Opening Ceremony & Photo-taking 開幕儀式及合照 |
6:15pm | Reception & Guided Tour 酒會及展覽導賞 |
Photo Album:
Bookings are closed for this event.