CEO of the IBA Hamburg and Urban Planner in Hellweg Urban Concept (Berlin)


Herr_Hellweg_1788 KopieUli Hellweg is currently an urban planner in Berlin (HELLWEG URBAN Concept ) and the CEO of the IBA Hamburg (2006 – 2015). He is also the member of German Academy for Urbanistic and Regional Planning (Deutsche Akademie für Städtebau und Landesplanung), Deutscher Werkbund, Architekturforum Zürich and the Chairman of the international urban competition HafenCity 1999.  The awards that he has achieved include Hünebeckpreis der RWTH Aachen and Sempermedaille des Architekturzentrums Hamburg. He as well has co-written publications and presentations in Europe, the US, Asia and Australia.

He was the CEO of Wasserstadt Berlin-Oberhavel (TET) and Rummelsburger Bucht (ERB) in Berlin in 1996. From 1997 – 2006, Mr Hellweg was the CEO of Wasserstadt GmbH in Berlin. In between 2002 – 2004, he was the managing director of Esch-sur-Alzette in Luxemburg.

Mr Hellweg has active participation in the field of urban planning in the past years. He was the Councilor of Urban Development und Urban Design in the City of Kassel (Dezernent für Planen und Bauen der Stadt Kassel) and Chairman of the Regional Planning Federation of Kassel/Nordhessen (Vorstand des Regionalverbandes Kassel) in 1992. Most importantly, he was the coordinator of Urban Renewal in the Berlin district of Tiergarten and the Head of urban planning in the Department of Urban Development in the City of Gelsenkirchen in 1982 and 1977 respectively.