Dates and Category All Categories Amsterdam Barcelona Category A: Introduction of the city/region for a general audience (students and others) with an emphasis on current urban innovation activities Category B: Seminar/Talk with a city-specific focus on current urban innovation projects for an interested academic audience & special-interest groups Category C: Seminar/ Workshop for urban experts on specific innovation issues Category D: Academic Seminar/ Workshop on urban development theory Category E: Exhibition or public event showcasing specific urban solution prototypes Energy Exhibition Green Building Groningen/ Oldenburg Hamburg Helsinki Introductory City Portrait Malmö Planning Port practice & empirical methodology practice and empirical methodology. Urban Development Studies Urban Experts Dialogue Urban Innovation Projects Focus Urban Innovations Focus Urban Solution Prototypes Vienna with an emphasis on current urban innovation activities and possibly combined with an exhibition or other ‘promotional’ events Workshops Country All Countries Hong Kong Region All Regions State/County All States Within 5 10 25 50 100 mi km Hide Advanced Search Show Advanced Search No EventsPowered by Events Manager