Posted in: 我們的活動【明報專訊】同學學習「全球化」單元時,會經常接觸關於全球化的正面影響事例。例如在現今資訊爆炸的環境下,我們可以學習更多知識,而且藉着互聯網,我們有機會結識來自全球各地的朋友,互相通訊亦很方便。
明報「IES情報站」《電子學習與全球化》介紹EUAP互動學習計劃與網上教學平台Posted in: 我們的活動【明報專訊】同學學習「全球化」單元時,會經常接觸關於全球化的正面影響事例。例如在現今資訊爆炸的環境下,我們可以學習更多知識,而且藉着互聯網,我們有機會結識來自全球各地的朋友,互相通訊亦很方便。 |
[只提供英文版] Launch of the Hong Kong-EU School pilot e-Learning ProjectPosted in: 我們的活動, 最新活動Hong Kong-EU School pilot e-Learning Project kicks off with 21 schools from over 9 cities in cooperation with the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (Brussels and Berlin)! This innovative pilot e-project will run for 8 weeks from 9 March 2015 on, involving 21 schools (8 in HK and 13 in EU) with over 200 total participants aged 14-18. The students come from 9 cities across 5 EU countries: Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands and Spain. |
第二十五屆教育及職業博覽 (二月五日至八日)Posted in: 我們的活動本週末,則二月五日至八日,第二十五屆教育及職業博覽將假香港灣仔會議展覽中心舉行。是次博覽會由香港貿易發展局主辦,邀請超過700個來自世界各地的單位參與展出。 |
[只提供英文版 – VERSION FOR HK SCHOOLS] HK-EU School Project “Green Living and Sustainability in the Community”Posted in: 我們的活動, 最新活動The European Union Academic Programme (EUAP) is delighted to announced the launch of the “Green Living and Sustainability in the Community” eProject. We are aiming for a handful of schools in both Europe and Hong Kong to collaborate and participate, in order to facilitate direct exchanges of ideas on green topics amongst students and to improve their English through communication. The project will be launched in February 2015. |
環境問題與活在水邊 (一)Posted in: 歐洲與你這學期的城巿規劃設計課題,題目是「兩分鐘,走到河邊」。 |