Date(s): 18/07/2015
Time: 9:30 am - 12:00 pm
Language: English and Cantonese
Admission: Free
Date / Time: 18th July, 2015 (Saturday), 9:30am – 12:00pm (ceremony until 11:30 am)
Venue: Dr. & Mrs. Hung Hin-shiu Lecture Theatre (SCM012), G/F, Jockey Club School of Chinese Medicine Building, Hong Kong Baptist University, Baptist University Road, Kowloon Tong (see map below)
Language: Cantonese and English
Download press release here (bilingual) 按此下載新聞稿(雙語)
Download prize list here (Eng)
The HK-EU School e-Learning Project “Green Living and Sustainability in the Community” Prize Giving Ceremony celebrates students’ successes across 21 schools and 5 countries
The Prize-Giving Ceremony of the HK-EU School e-Learning Project “Green Living and Sustainability in the Community” was successfully held on Saturday 18th July at the Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU). Over 100 guests, including students, teachers, parents and members of the community attended the event. This ceremony celebrated the end of an eight-week-long pilot e-Learning project, which brought secondary school students from Hong Kong and European cities together to create new ideas contributing towards a more sustainable community. Nine awards were handed out to winners by Mr. Chi-hung Lee, Chief Curriculum Development Officer (PSHE) of the Education Bureau of the HKSAR Government, Mr. Paul Zimmerman, CEO of Designing Hong Kong and Prof. Vivian Taam Wong, Chairperson of Friends of the Earth Hong Kong, together with Prof. H. Werner Hess, Deputy Director of the European Union Academic Programme Hong Kong and Dr. Tushar Chaudhuri, Programme Coordinator of the European Studies Programme of the HKBU.

Winners of the grand prize earning the title of “Best Sustainability Ambassadors”: Mok Yi Ting, Rachel and So Hoi Lam, Brian from HKCCCU Logos Academy
Prof. Rick Wong, Acting President and Vice-chancellor of the HKBU, said in the welcoming speech that the project enhanced people-to-people exchange and “engaged students’ interest in both Hong Kong and European affairs”. This was followed by Ms. Christine Loh, the Under Secretary of the Environment Bureau of the HKSAR Government, who said “I’m very envious of the students having the opportunity to work closely for a period of time with groups of students in Europe, and I think that it is not just the outcome, but the entire learning of the process and cultural exchange that is important.”
A panel consisting of seven judges from six local NGOs was invited to make the final decision on the most successful overall Group Community Project in terms of ideas, implementation and cooperation, which was awarded the grand prize, the “Best Sustainable Community Project”. The winner of this grand prize saw a successful collaboration between two Hong Kong students from the HKCCCU Logos Academy, and three students from Institut Ernest Lluch, Barcelona, Spain. One of the winners, Brian So Hoi Lam, said “It was such a fresh experience to be able to work with overseas teammates as previously our projects were mainly limited to those within the school”, while Rachel Mok Yi Ting found it very meaningful to work with their proactive European students throughout the project.
With the generous support from the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Brussels and the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Berlin, the prize for the Barcelona winners will be to fly to Hong Kong for a one week stay in late 2015, where the students will visit their partner school, as well as green facilities and projects in the city. The students will become “sustainability ambassadors”, and continue the exchanges and dialogues of green living and sustainability in person.
This e-Learning project was jointly organized by the European Union Academic Programme Hong Kong (EUAP) and the European Studies Programme of the HKBU. Nine Hong Kong schools and twelve schools from eight cities across four countries in Europe (Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, and Spain) took part in this project. Between March and June 2015, the project connected over 200 students across communities by way of exchanging ideas, and collaborating through research on topics such as “Plastics & Recycling”, “Fashion & Toxic Issues”, “City” and “Food”, thus heightening their awareness on sustainability.
In light of the project’s success, the organizers believe that e-Learning will continue to grow as a trend, and will work to provide useful and practical learning materials in future. As Dr. Tushar Chaudhuri suggested, such projects will draw Hong Kong and European students together in a cross-cultural pathway of interactive learning and exchange of ideas. A roving exhibition of the project will also take place at the beginning of the new academic year across Hong Kong schools, where students and teachers will be able to understand the project in greater detail.
For more details of the Ceremony and the e-Learning Project, please visit the official website at
This project is supported by the Institute of English Studies, Leuphana University, Lüneburg, Germany, Designing Hong Kong, Friends of the Earth Hong Kong, Green Sense, Sustainable Ecological Ethical Development Foundation, World Green Organisation and World Wide Fund Hong Kong.

(from left to right) Dr. Tushar Chaudhuri, Mr. Chi Hung Lee, Mr. Paul Zimmerman, Prof. H Werner Hess, Ms. Christine Loh OBE JP, Prof. Vivian Taam Wong, Prof. Rick Wong and teachers of prize-winning schools
網上互動學習計劃「綠色生活及可持續發展社區」頒獎禮 見證香港歐洲兩地學生學習成果
是次學習計劃成功聯繫歐洲及香港的中學生,讓他們於透過網上平台不斷學習、交流和實驗,協助建立更可持續社區。頒獎禮上一共宣佈9個不同獎項予一眾表現出色的香港參賽者、老師與學校,由教育局李志雄先生、創建香港行政總裁司馬文先生以及香港地球之友主席黃譚智媛醫生聯同香港歐洲聯盟學術計劃副總監Prof. H. Werner Hess、浸大歐洲研究課程主任Dr. Tushar Chaudhuri一同頒發。
其中「最佳可持續社區專題研習」一獎更邀得本地知名環保專家擔任評判,揀選表現最好的隊伍。各參賽隊伍必須在活動最後階段完成一社區專題研習,將數星期間所學得的知識轉化為實驗,結集兩地的構思,向大眾展示他們於各自社區所實行的改變。該項大獎結果由巴塞隆拿Institut Ernest Lluch及香港華人基督教聯會真道書院聯合組成的隊伍奪得。來自真道書院的得獎學生蘇海琳說:「參與這個計劃的經驗對我來說很新鮮,讓我可以跟自己學校以外的學生交流」。
有見活動取得圓滿成功,主辨單位有意於來年再舉辦類似的計劃,繼續以網上形式提供實用的學習材料。正如Dr. Tushar Chaudhuri指出,這種學習模式把香港跟歐洲不同城市的年輕人帶到一起,為他們提供多元文化體驗,實為難得。所有得獎作品將被收錄於展覽中,於本地中學巡迴展出,而其他作品將在網上展出,有興趣人士可以藉此一睹學生們的努力成果。
Download press release here (bilingual) 按此下載新聞稿(雙語)
Press here to view the video of the ceremony
Photo Album: (please click into each photo for caption)
More about the project:
- HK-EU School Project summary (pdf)
- Photo album of the project
- Launch of the Hong Kong-EU School pilot e-Learning Project
- MingPao Column on Liberal Studies “E-Learning and Globalisation” introduces the e-Learning Project and EU.LOOK Platform
- 明報「IES情報站」《電子學習與全球化》介紹EUAP互動學習計劃與網上教學平台”
Julian Chan
Bookings are closed for this event.