Dr. Frank Tong

Director, Research and Technology Development, R&D Centre for Logistics & Supply Chain Management


Dr. Frank Tong is the Director of Research and Technology Development of the Hong Kong R&D Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management Enabling Technologies (LSCM R&D Centre). He heads up the Centre’s R&D programmes in the areas of infrastructure & applied technologies. He also helps to define and drive the research roadmap of the Centre, with a focus on developing innovative technologies for the local industry.

Dr. Tong’s area of interests include logistics and supply chain management technologies, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Internet of Things (IoT), wireless security, mobile computing, e-business as well as cloud technologies for supply chain management, logistics, retail and servicing industries. Dr. Tong works closely with the industry, understands their needs and conducts research based on the solutions they need. Over the past few years, Dr. Tong has successfully delivered major R&D projects under the funding of the Innovation and Technology Fund. He is keen on building partnerships, innovating technological solutions and products, and transferring the results to industrial applications.